Salt Water Caps
I have completely finished my coil except for the capacitor. I'm
planning to build some rolled polyethylene caps as soon as I gather the
required materials and find the time. Until then, I would like to easily
construct a salt-water capacitor so I can play with the coil until I
build a better unit. I was not really able to find anything online about
salt-water caps, but I keep seeing references to them. What would be
required to build one capable of withstanding a 15 kv, 60 ma neon
system? The secondary is 24 inches, 6 inches diameter, 880 turns 22 awg
magnet wire. Primary is 14 turns, conical spiral, 1/4 inch copper
tubing. Spark gap is a 6 inch, 16 electrode disk rotary system. Any
advice would be greatly appreciated!