Re: Primary Q's and Spark Gaps (and magic formula)
To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com
Subject: Re: Primary Q's and Spark Gaps (and magic formula)
From: mrbarton-at-ix-dot-netcom-dot-com (Mark Barton)
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 1995 01:17:50 -0800
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The articles I have that this stuff comes from are:
(Thanks to Ed Harris for typing these titles)
A Tesla transformer high-voltage generator
CR Hoffmann
Rev Sci Instr Vol46 No1 Jan 1975 p1
Transformer type accelerators for intense electron beams
EA Abramyan
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, NS-18 p447 (1971)
Malcolm wrote:
>> By
>> shorting the spark gap and using a signal generator on the primary,
>> two freqs are readily observed on the secondary, and from their
>> K can be calculated directly...
>It's obvious that what I'm seeing is the trade of energy between the
>primary and secondary. I liked your analogy. Thanks for the formulae.
>I've not seen those ones before. It's obvious you have access to
>references that I don't.