Re: Coil Formers.
To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com
Subject: Re: Coil Formers.
From: "Malcolm Watts" <MALCOLM-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nz>
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 1995 12:38:42 +1200
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(b) Coils of h/d = 3,4 with disks mounted at different heights.
(i) h/d = 4 (closewound)
NOTE: the first column has the coil + disk mounted 6.5" closer to the
floor. See Test Notes for winding heights off floor.
| 0.7" | 0.7" | 7" | 11.3" | 16.9"
DISK(mm) | f Q | f Q | f Q | f Q | f Q
200 | 216.6 349 | 217.4 368 | 195.8 332 | 188.4 294 | 181.6 259
300 | 200.4 328 | 201.2 347 | 182.0 337 | 174.9 312 | 168.6 290
400 | 207.7 301 | 208.5 306 | 169.6 346 | 163.4 308 | 157.8 292
500 | 167.2 328 | 167.9 329 | 157.5 342 | 152.6 331 | 147.8 314
600 | 153.3 313 | 154.0 302 | 146.5 325 | 142.7 324 | 138.8 301
686 | 142.9 297 | 143.6 312 | 137.9 320 | 134.9 313 | 131.5 292
(ii) h/d = 3 (spacewound)
NOTE: the first column has the coil + disk mounted 6.5" closer to the
| 0.7" | 0.7" | 7" | 11.3" | 16.9"
DISK(mm) | f Q | f Q | f Q | f Q | f Q
200 | 260.9 296 | 262.1 332 | 232.2 283 | 222.6 262 | 214.4 249
300 | 237.6 313 | 238.6 306 | 213.9 289 | 205.4 267 | 198.0 244
400 | 214.5 278 | 215.4 287 | 197.7 260 | 190.6 250 | 184.2 239
500 | 193.5 254 | 194.4 249 | 182.5 257 | 176.9 256 | 171.9 232
600 | 176.1 238 | 177.2 253 | 169.0 248 | 164.9 232 | 160.8 196
686 | 163.5 221 | 164.5 166 | 158.5 244 | 155.6 232 | 152.2 217