I have been doing some thinking and preliminary planning about my next
secondary and new primary to go with it. I believe all of my existing system
and equipment will work as is. All I need to do is replace the primary and
secondary with a new design.
I think I will go with a 10" seconday of thin wall pvc, coated and sealed
like my existing 6" coil. Do you think I should drop down to 20 guage wire?
I haven't checked the wire tables yet for turns per inch numbers. I would
like to get at least 900 turns on it.
For the primary I was thinking of winding it flat this time with 1/2" copper
tubing with 3/8" clearance between windings. I will design it for 14 to 15
turns. The inside diameter of the first winding should be about 12.0" I
think. Does this sound about right?
Ed Sonderman