copper tubing
To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com
Subject: copper tubing
From: richard.quick-at-slug-dot-org (Richard Quick)
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 02:43:00 GMT
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* Original msg to: Davidl-at-unix.ieway-dot-com
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Quoting David Lawrence <davidl-at-UNIX.IEWAY.COM>:
> I have a quuestion regarding primary tubing.
> Can you use a copper splice when adding length to the primary
> coil?
Most certainly you can slice this way. To make a really nice
splice it does not hurt to thin down the edges of the splice ring
with a file and finish it with some abrasive paper. This prevents
a high rough spot that coil promote flashovers and arcing between
turns. After the splice is completed a couple of light coats of
polyurethane would add a bit of arc protection.
> What is the advantage over stranded cable?
This really depends on the exact construction and type of
stranded cable, but in general, smooth conductors have
significantly less RF resistance in this specific application.
We are dealing with huge peak currents of high-voltage RF. The
conductive properties of energy in this form are rather different
from the normal electrical energy most people are used to dealing
with. High-voltage RF tends to crawl across the surface of the
conductor and exhibits very little depth of penetration. With
this understanding it is not only more cost effective in terms of
weight of copper, but it is also more efficient in terms of
resistance and corona losses to use thin conductors with large
surface areas. The smoother the better. Flat strap and thin wall
tube are two of the best primary conductors available.
Richard Quick
... If all else fails... Throw another megavolt across it!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12