
Non-tesla mail-list advert.

Well-p, now all those nasty free energy and antigrav discussions have a 
place to go.  I've just started freenrg-list-at-eskimo-dot-com.  To subscribe,
send this: subscribe freenrg-list your-email-addr-here.
Send to: majordomo-at-eskimo-dot-com

Not 'o/u' stuff exclusively, but also any 'crazy' experimental physics.  
Gravity effects.  Relativity violations.  Psi and paranormal.  Ghost 
cameras?!  Heavy on experimentalism, no unprovable crank-theory flamewars, 
no rabid debunkery.

.....................uuuu / oo \ uuuu........,.............................
William Beaty  voice:206-781-3320   bbs:206-789-0775    cserv:71241,3623
EE/Programmer/Science exhibit designer        http://www.eskimo-dot-com/~billb/
Seattle, WA 98117  billb-at-eskimo-dot-com           SCIENCE HOBBYIST web page