Plate capacitor
To: Tesla Group <tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com>
Subject: Plate capacitor
From: Scott Myers <102505.61-at-compuserve-dot-com>
Date: 21 Oct 95 14:09:32 EDT
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I've recently come into a lot of .060 HDPE, for free. So I am going to build a
plate style capacitor.
Question: Has anyone built one of the using a material thinner than the
aluminum flashing that is suggested by several documents? Commercial capacitors
use some pretty thin foils. I am considering using heavy duty Reynolds Wrap.
My 2 capacitors will have 110 - 7.25"x8" aluminum plates each. These are small
enough that I feel heavy duty aluminum foil should work. The loss in Q should
be immeasurable. These 2 capacitors in series should provide appromately
.025-.026 uF good for about 24000 volts in a Tesla tank circuit.
Since I've never built one of these, I have one more question. I assume that
all one has to do is connect every other plate to a buss. Each buss is down
opposite sides of the stack. Correct?
Scott Myers