Tesla's home is our new office
To: chip-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com
Subject: Tesla's home is our new office
From: "Wolfgang von Stuermer, Production Director" <WvStu-at-aol-dot-com>
Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 18:47:45 -0500
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I am the production director at US Interactive, a marketing
communiations consulting firm based in New York City. Most of our
buisiness is Web related, so imagine our surprise when we discovered
that our new offices at 49 West 27th Street had once been Tesla's home.
To that end, we are trying to find a Tesla coil builder to demonstrate
the Tesla coil at a "housewarming" gathering we are throwing this
Spring. In addition, we intend to honor Tesla with an area of our
offices that would be dedicated to describing his life and work.
If you can help us in this regard, please email me. Thanks.
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