RE: Increasing Frequency
>From: Richard Hull <whitlock-dot-com!RICHARDH-at-uucp-1.csn-dot-net>
>To: tesla <tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com>
>Subject: RE: Increasing Frequency
>Date: Fri, 29 Mar 96 10:23:00 PST
>The Corums, (Jim and Kenneth) are radio engineers and have mentioned just
>such a microwave Tesla resonator system at one of the Tesla Symposiums,
>Sorry, can't remember which one. In their little system, they took a
>capacitor and discharged it into a 30 gallon trash can with a port cut in
>the side and the natural resonant cavity rang up and arced across the
>at hundreds of megahertz. Gighertz frequencies could be realized with this
>arrangement! Coils are just no good at all above 100mhz or so. At the
>500mhz range a waveguide resonant cavity is the only game in town with a
>of losses and generational problems involved. You really need to be a
>microwave engineer to play above these frequencies. Wound coils are out
>need not apply! Your home microwave is a prime example of a gigahertz
>resonator system.
>Richard Hull, TCBOR
Hello high frequency Tesla coilers,
The Corum brothers reference Sloan's work in the 1930's using a
cavity resonator, and later work by Hansen. Based on the above discussion,
I assume they must have duplicated Sloan's work experimentally.
D. H. Sloan built a coaxial helical resonator which operated at 6
MHz using a 12 turn helix 14 inches in diameter of 7/8 inch copper pipe with
an axial length of 15 inches. This was placed in a copper clad steel tank
40 inches in diameter. Sloan achieved 800 kV with the apparatus (ref:
Physical Review, 1/1/35, V 47, pp 62-71.). A coaxial resonator can
potentially operate with Q's of about 1,000.
W. W. Hansen (J. Appl. Phys. V10, Jan 1938, pp 38-45, and J. Appl
Phys. V10, March 1939, pp 189-199) extended Sloan's idea to a cavity
resonator in the late 1930's. Hansen used this method to investigate and
develop cavity resonators for klystrons. Cavity resonators operate at
microwave frequencies, with Q's above 5,000.
These researchers both based their work on Tesla's original ideas
from the 1890's.
Mark S. Rzeszotarski, Ph.D.