TC Inductance Formulas...
To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com
Subject: TC Inductance Formulas...
From: tchand-at-slip-dot-net (Tim Chandler)
Date: Fri, 02 Feb 1996 02:01:17 -0500
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Hi All!
I was going through some old TC notes and discovered I had atleast 4
different formulas to calculate the inductance of a coil (air-core). The
problem is all these formulas give different answers (some +/- 5 mH). My
question is, which one is right(if any)? Rather than post all the formulas
I thought I would ask if any knew of a formula for inductance that is
EXTREMELY close to the true measured inductance of the coil?
I believe I have been using Wheelers formula for Self Inductance but upon
discovering these other formulas again, I wanted to make sure I was using
the best formula.
I can post the formulas if some one wants them, I wanted to save lines...
Any help appreciated...
| Timothy A. Chandler || M.S.Physics/B.S.Chmeistry |
| NASA-Langley Research Center || George Mason University |
| Department of Energy || Department of Physics |
| FRT/Alpha - NASALaRC/DOE JRD/OPM || Department of Chemistry |
| CHOCT FR Designation 82749156/MG09 || OPC-EFC |
| Private Email Address: tchand-at-slip-dot-net |