Copper & Salt
To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com
Subject: Copper & Salt
From: Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 1996 12:38:38 -0500
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I have asked this question before and did not get an answer. I am thinking
about putting in a new ground system this spring (if it ever warms up, about
-25 degrees in Spokane). I am planning to use four 8.0' copper rods driven
in with a ground rod in each corner of an 8.0' square pattern. Then solder
them together with copper pipe. My question was, is it a good idea to bury
them with salt pellets sprinkled around them or not. I know oxidized copper
is not a good conductor. Because of the frequency and current is this oxide
not a problem? How long can I expect this system to last before it is
corroded to the point where it is not effiecient?
My previous two ground systems were close to flowers and the lawn so I could
not use any salt. This new one will be buried under my gravel driveway.
Ed Sonderman