Re: primary voltage again
To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com
Subject: Re: primary voltage again
From: mrbarton-at-ix-dot-netcom-dot-com (Mark Barton)
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 05:41:31 -0800
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Hi again Kevin,
People don't use 5KV or under because it's difficult to get ordinary spark
gaps to fire reliably. However, Tesla and more recently Robert Golka (60ft
sparks) both used 50KV in their big coils. I am planning to do the same on my
big coil pretty soon.
A Tesla coil is a lever, a fancy AC lever, but a lever just the same.
Operating a lever of any kind with a large ratio is always difficult. If
you're trying to get to a million volts, why start with 5,000v? Why not start
with 50,000v? It just got 10 times easier!
Tesla coil spark length is a weird thing that no one has really figured out
yet. The length seems to depend on three things: Input power, output
voltage, and rep rate. The more of any of those, the longer the spark. Using
length to figure output voltage is just plain wrong. This can clearly be seen
because spark length will go up with rep rate, which has no effect on output
voltage. Confused yet? Me too.
>I have heard several times
>power is the determining factor in spark length. If this is so, will you get
>the same
>results with the following?
>5kv-at-2a, 10kv-at-1a, 20kv-at-.5a, 50kv-at-.2a, and 100kv-at-.1a.
>Why does not anyone use 5kv or 50kv? What is the highest voltage anyone
>has pushed to and what were the results?