
CP cap update 1

In a message dated 96-06-23 22:52:42 EDT, you write:

>Hi Kevin,
>Thank you for volunteering.  It looks like you are the BIG winner.  I 
>really do appreciate this.  I am taking off on business (again) and will 
>retrun home on Thursday.  I will contact you at your business number 
>this week.  I will get the check out to CP then.  After I send the check 
>to CP, I will send the balance to you for shipping expenses.
>Let everyone know what is going on if you would.  Talk to you this week.

  I just got back from vacation today, as you can see it looks like things
are rolling again! I am extremely busy at work today, so I will be reviewing
all the mail tonight when I get home. I will post more tomorrow morning on
the status of everything I know so far. Email me direct for quicker responce.

Kevin M. Conkey

New tag line: 'Are they in yet?'