
Re: Mini Magnifier

At 12:25 AM 6/24/96 -0600, you wrote:
>From paynet-at-interaccess-dot-comSun Jun 23 22:44:57 1996
>Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 18:40:03 -0500
>From: Tedd Payne <paynet-at-interaccess-dot-com>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Mini Magnifier
>I don't recall ever seeing or hearing anything about a small/low power
>"magnifier" system.  Is there a technical or practical limit which prevents
>building a magnifier based on, for example, a 12KV/30mA neon transformer?
>I'd like to exclude from my question "solid state" magnifiers such as the
>Bylund circuit.

There is absolutely NO reason you cannot build a really effective magnifier
with the afore mentioned power supply!  I have done it with VERY acceptable
                                       \/   \     /
 Chad Alan Madison                      \   /     \
 BSEE Undergraduate Student              \ /  \   /
 University of Texas at Austin            \  /  //
 Member: Tesla Coil Society                \/  \/
 http://www.flash-dot-net/~chadwick/           ||  ||