Re:Humid atmosphere
>Re: Body capacitance effect on coil tuning
> Something is badly amiss there. I can't imagine your coil
>being that sensitive to the effect of someone nearby. A change of
>a percent or so in resonant frequency seems reasonable, b ut not
>much more unless your coil is enormous. I would think a person
>15 feet away from even a four foot high coil would have an almost
>unmeasurable effect when the coil was firing and the "
>"Q" reduced by the spark loading.
>Ed Phillips
>Ed. I agree with you. Something is strange out here. I measured the
resonance again and asked someone else to move from 50 ft towards the coil.
(The coil is about 5ft 8" high). As they aproach you can see the resonance
change dramatically on the oscilliscope. At around 15 ft away the coil no
longer tunes in to any resonance within range. This only happens in the
jungle atmoshere and not in town. Have you any way to imitate the high
humidity and temperature to test this on your coil? It is 32 degrees Celsius
and 100% humidity in the evening. The heat prevents any condensation and
everything remains dry until dark. I have now removed the coil as I could
find no way to make it work in these conditions but would still like to know
what effect was preventing it from operating.
Thanks for the reply,
PAUL MILLOTT (Failed again)