Re: Rotary gap balancers
At 10:25 PM 6/3/96 -0600, you wrote:
>From jim.fosse-at-bdt-dot-comMon Jun 3 21:29:59 1996
>Date: Mon, 03 Jun 1996 05:24:58 GMT
>From: Jim Fosse <jim.fosse-at-bdt-dot-com>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: Rotary gap balancers
>On Sun, 2 Jun 1996 22:25:37 -0600, Tesla List
><tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com>, you wrote:
>>The latest issue of _Projects In Metal_ has an article on making a
>>balancing device for wheels such as grinding wheels, etc. It would be
>>very useful for a rotary gap wheel as well.
>Is _Projects In Metal_ a magazine: Order info?, Book: ISBN?
HOME SHOP MACHINIST is a bi-monthly magazine published by
Village Press, Incorp.
PO Box 1810
2779 Aero Park Drive
Traverse City, MI49686
U.S. one year/$25.50
Foreign/$28.00 (US funds)
The Home Shop Machinist is aimed at the owner of metal working machinery who
enjoys cutting metal and fabricating small machinery, often of high
precision. It also has much value for the ads, sources for small machinery
and metal.
Prices: USA/$21.00 - Canada/$27.00 - Foriegn/$25.00
(The apparent shafting of our near and dear neighbors to the north is due to
the expression of the price in CANADIAN dollars!)
Phone inquiries, (800)447-7367 and (616)946-3712
I have been a subscriber to both, on and off as the winds of interest blew,
and found them excellent.
If you are in this group, or would like to be, these two magazines are the
periodical bibles for amateur machinists.
I see from reading this list that there is a certain amount of derision
directed towards those who create "furniture project" coils, by which I
suppose reference is made to well made and beautiful pieces, which have
often only modest performance. Craftmanship, the practice of excellence in
fabrication and design, is really nothing more than science raised to the
level of art. Performance is, of course, the main priority of a scientific
project, but the highest level of achievement is expressed by a machine
which demonstrates the builder's success in design, AND care and pride in
fabrication. (it doesn't hurt that well-built apparatus is typically safer
than flimsy jury-rigged lash-ups!;).