
Re: Toroids

Hi Mark,

> Does anyone spin their own toroids (or spheres, hint)?  I am
> looking for a source for new or used toroids, spheres, etc.  (I
> have build a number of metal duct style toroids.)  Also, has anyone
> seen a good text on how to do it?

I have seen it done on a video and it appears fairly straight forward.
The starting point is to build and turn a wooden "former" to the 
shape of one half of the terminal (e.g. top) and both halves can
be made identical. The flat metal is fixed to the former and then spun
and a steel rod (not sure what shaped tip) is simply levered against 
the metal to shape it around the former. It is sort of a cold-flow 
process. I saw pots being made by a pro in the video. My basic idea 
is to make a former large enough for the largest terminal I want, 
then turn it down to make succesively smaller ones. If I can persuade 
the necessary powers to setup a lathe for me I will do it.
