Re: need pole pig advice
Tesla List wrote:
> >From fryg-at-postoffice.ptd-dot-netTue Nov 5 22:23:20 1996
> Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 09:57:01 -0500 (EST)
> From: "Glenn D. Frey" <fryg-at-postoffice.ptd-dot-net>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: need pole pig advice
> Hello All,
> Ok, I've gotten bored with the 4 neons in parallel thing, I NEED MORE POWER.
> what do you look for in a good pole pig, what are typical
> specifications and ratings on them. Are there things and units to avoid
> beside the obvious too big to load on a truck problem. Input is no problem
> as I have 2 welders, stove elements for input resistance and I've saved
> postings about hooking them up.
> thanks for the help
> glenn f
Listed below are addresses many of us in the group have used as sources
for rebuilt pole pigs:
Solomon Corporation
P. O. Box 245
Solomon, KS 67480
Watts: (800) 243-2867
Tel (913) 655-2191
Fax (913) 655-2502
T & R Electric
P. O. Box 180
Colman, SD 57017
Watts (800) 843-7994
The general description that you could use would simply be a 10 Kw.,
single phase, 14,400 VAC primary, 240 VAC secondary pole pig. You
should make sure that it has two high voltage bushings and not one.
This type of unit has also been purchased at higher primary voltages
(secondary for us coilers!), but I have the impression that 14,400 VAC
is about the most common. I got mine, with the above specs from T&R for
$290 plus shipping about 8 months ago. It looked brand new in every
respect and works great. The people at T&R were very friendly and
processed and shipped the order very fast. The truck arrived (at our
plant) about 10 days after the order was placed. You had better start a
real weight lifting program today or buy a fork lift, in order to be
ready for your transformers arrival---about 300 lbs! Good Luck
Chuck Curran
[ Also: > H&H Transformer Inc. (303) 289-2802 -- Chip]