Re: Capacitor construction
Tesla List wrote:
> >From bmcpeak-at-gte-dot-netSun Oct 13 22:17:28 1996
> Date: Sun, 13 Oct 1996 08:04:53 -0500
> From: Brad McPeak <bmcpeak-at-gte-dot-net>
> To: tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Capacitor construction
> Hello All,
> I would like to get the list subscribers input on capacitor construction. I
> have built several roll caps ala TCBOR, they work great.(Thanks Richard H.)
> I would like to build a Vertical plate cap. One thing that escapes me is how
> do you bond the plates to PE or otherwise keep them from sliding down in a
> vertical Cap? I have seen it mentioned about clamping the the stack
> together, would this not hinder the air from escaping if tight enough to
> keep the plates from vibrating down? I will not be able to vacuum the cap
> down. Since hot melt glue is PE could this be run in a thin border around
> the edge of the metal would it continue to hold the plate under oil? And
> last would Polystyrene which is fairly rigid work better as far as bonding?
> I believe its electrical properties are close to PE? Thanks in advance.
> Brad McPeak
> E-mail bmcpeak-at-gte-dot-net
> McPeak Antiques
> http://home1.gte-dot-net/bmcpeak
Good Questions! If you use Heavy-Duty aluminum foil, and assemble the
cap such that the entire protruding edges of the foil are clamped
together and held from moving relative to the LDPE you shouldn't get any
shifting. On mine, the bus bars that tied the foil sheets together were
also screwed to insulating standoffs that also held the LDPE from
moving. Your thought about using hot melt adhesive is also an approach -
but use the translucent-clear variety not the yellow stuff that Jim
Fosse found dissolved in transformer oil.
Also, somone else on this list had a post a while back where they had
"ironed" aluminum sheets to either polyproylene or polypropylene to LDPE
and reported some success. Although LDPE isn't "glueable", it certainly
is "weldable" by careful heating.
Good luck and happy cappin'
-- Bert --