
Re: Toroid short

Tesla List wrote:
> >From storey-at-stic-dot-netSun Oct 20 21:52:57 1996
> Date: Sun, 20 Oct 1996 17:24:47 -0700
> From: Storey Clamp <storey-at-stic-dot-net>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Toroid short
> Hi All,
>         I am building my first toroid, and after bending the flexable aluminum
> duct into a circle and thinking about the best way to join the ends, it
> occured to me that I was getting ready to put a big fat shorted turn on
> the top of my secondary, and perhaps I should insulate the ends. Is that
> standard procedure? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
>         Thanks,
> Storey Clamp
> San Antonio, Texas


The toroid is normally high enough above the primary winding that this
usually doesn't present a problem.  Most of the primary coupling will
occur in the bottom half or so of the secondary. Of more importance is
to make sure that any strikerail above the primary isn't a shorted turn.

Safe coilin' to ya!

-- Bert --