Re: Arc length vs pwr
Hi Greg,
> Malcolm wrote:
> >
> > On tuning: there is one subtlety I have used where Lp and Cp are
> > more-or-less fixed: raising and lowering the top terminal can
> > dramatically alter secondary fr.
> If Cp is large enough so that the sec ckt can be treated as lumped
> elements, then shouldn't we worry about the toroid acting as a
> shorted turn, shunting the secondary inductor?
> -GL
That might well become a consideration. Perhaps someone who uses
_huge_ toploads (Richard Hull?) might check this one out for us ?
I've never used toploads exceeding Cdistr. so I couldn't say right
now but I should be in a position to find out shortly. My new
resonator is going to be wound today