Re: Helppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!
Tesla List wrote:
> >From kylechad-at-airmail-dot-netWed Oct 16 22:06:29 1996
> Date: Tue, 15 Oct 1996 22:17:22 -0500
> From: Kyle Chadwick <kylechad-at-airmail-dot-net>
> To: "'tesla-at-pupman-dot-com'" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> Subject: Helppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!
> Okay, i need some help. I was playing around and made my spark
> gap about a half inch. It sparked for a second and went dead. I
> blew the transformer and I need a replacment fast(its for a
> science protject). Can anybody give be the number of a place
> I can call to get a new one.
> kyle chadwick
> [ Sorry, I have no city/state info for Kyle. -- Chip ]
Local neon sign shops are your best bet. They typically have out of
warranty units they've pulled out of service that they will otherwise
junk. You can usually get them very cheaply or for free. You'll find
that many times these are good or half-good (1/2 of the output works,
the other doesn't). If you only have "half-good" ones, pairs of
transformers with the same voltage/current ratings can be combined. Use
the the good halves, connect the cases together and connect the
primaries together to get the equivalent of one good transformer. You
may have to reverse the wires going to one of the transformer primaries
for this to work.
Don't buy a new one! They're outrageously expensive, and they won't last
long in Tesla service. Coilers using neons typcially go thru many of
them. Openning up the gap too much will certainly do it! Try using 60 MA
neons if you can get them - they're much hardier than the 30 MA
Good luck!
-- Bert --