Re: First post: Fluorescent lighting
On 10/16/96 23:05:19 you wrote:
>>From timoore-at-du.eduWed Oct 16 22:59:40 1996
>Date: Wed, 16 Oct 1996 20:21:21 -0600 (MDT)
>From: TIMOTHY <timoore-at-du.edu>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: First post: Fluorescent lighting
>About your mini Tesla. I've heard that Tesla himself used something
>similar to light the 1930(?) Worlds Fair. I can't remember what year. I
>also read that the coils were of a two dimensional type, simply flat and
I have not heard this before. My design is also simply flat and round.
Each layer is comprised of a flat, spiral winding.
> I am going to try your idea on a small basis and build me a mini Tesla
>coil. For some reason, your letter really jolted my interest. But the
>reason I am writing is that many people feel that electromagnetic waves
>are dangerous to the human body, even though yours is of a small scale.
>So, has this entered your research, or am I way off base.
Because the principal behind this technique involves illuminating the lamp
with the electric field intensity, there is less emanation of
electromagnetic fields than with a conventional system that uses an iron
core ballast transformer. I'm not a biologist, but intuitively speaking, if
there is less current and power dissipated, it should be safer. Also,
because the coil has a high self capacitance, the signal on the lamp itself
is purely sinusoidal. The lack of harmonic content tends to reduce the
amount of radiated RF energy.
Thanks for your comments. Please let me know how your prototype works once
you have tested it. I am sure others would also be interested.
Phil Gantt