
Coil form

I was wondering if anyone has tried this I am going to wind a new secondary
using pvc and cover it with a heat shrink plastic that has a heat activated
adhesive known as Monokote and other brand names, used to cover radio
control airplanes. I am not sure but I think this mylar. Would this take the
place of painting it with a sealer? Monokote is easy to work with even more
so if you have a heat gun. Thanks 
When I was flying, everyone said Monokote was mylar.  Except for the 
glossy colorful coating, I don't believe that you would get very good 
protection from Monokote.  It won't follow much of the wire's profile.  
While Richard Quick advocates the coating for electrical and physical 
strength, Richard Hull says it's not necessary.

My take on the thing is that Richard Hull can whip out a coil quickly, 
and has an isolated/private lab, while I have a heck of a time getting 
anything done (other than e-mail :-)), and I work in the garage.  My coil 
needs to pass the drop test and the 2yr old boy test.  For me, the 
coating is necessary armor.  For others, the coating is unnecessary.  For 
you, the coating may be necessary aesthetics.
