Re: Gap Dwell Times (formerly: Beating Solved)
>>From ed-at-alumni.caltech.eduMon Oct 14 21:25:55 1996
>Date: Mon, 14 Oct 1996 19:17:42 -0700 (PDT)
>From: "Edward V. Phillips" <ed-at-alumni.caltech.edu>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: Gap Dwell Times (formerly: Beating Solved)
>Re: Oil and Coils
> I, too, have read Tesla's remarks on his oil-immersed
>system. Also, several years ago TCBA News had an old article
>(circa 1910?) on an insulation-testing coil setup built by
>GE, which involved a pretty big coil immersed in oil. I gather
>you didn't immerse the whole works (primary and secondary) in
>a single tank????? A piece of 12"+ PVC pipe a few feet high
>would hold a lot of oil, and might be an interesting way to
If vous est addressing moi, yeah, I placed the entire two coil system
into the 200 gallon tank and bathed with oil. My coil is horizontal.
What you suggest sounds like a practical solution to pri-sec
flashover problems as coupling is increased to 0.2 and higher in a
vertically oriented classical system. I cannot help but think that
where your idea would be best applied would be in the L1-L2 coil
system of a magnifier where extremely high K's are desired. I see
the need for and use of plastic sheeting coiled up here to help.
Richard Hull, what say you? Tight coupled maggy driver application.
Oil or no?