Re: The "T" word
Here is an idea...
Everyone in the group get X amount of dollars to build a coil.
The numbers are calculated or crunched in a computer. We all
go our seperate ways to scrounge parts and build our rendidtion
of this calculation. I really would not expect for all the resultant
coils to perform the same or even look the same. Early on in
this group the words "empireical data" were used quite frequently.
Everything in this world can be related to mathamatics, but
research and good record keeping have been the best process
for building coils that work. Tesla was a visionary with a goal
and a mind for math, but even he had to struggle and experiment
to find what he was looking for.
> >I feel the need to show some support for Theory at this point,
> >for all of those out there that see it as a diversion from
> >performing 'real work'.
<snip again>
> >
> Even the cost to obtain a first class Pentium computer
> and good CAD software is cheap insurance, and a lot cheaper than a
> major unforseen design flaw, if spending $20K or more on hardware for a very
> large coil system. Equally important IMO is to study the efforts of
> several coilers of recent years in attempts to build that _killer_
> coil system. All of these large projects have shown some form of design
> shortcomings from which their high power successors can learn.