
Re: Arc length vs pwr

>I'm going to have to disagree but I will measure it to see whether I 
>am wrong or not. I appreciate what you're saying, but you are not 
>feeding your series circuit with an external voltage source. The 
>capacitor _is_ the energy source and can only lose it from there, at
>least that is what the scope says. Have you actually _measured_ the
>voltage as climbing above what you initially charged the cap to? Once 
>again, E=0.5CV^2. Where does the energy come from that allows the cap 
>to go higher than it was initially?
>     This consideration does not apply to the safety gap unless the 
>safety gap is bridging the capacitor itself since the safety gap 
>normally bridges rather low value stray capacitances.

 The discussion had began in reference to a ringing
primary with a very light or no load (under coupled or non coupled) like
a secondary coil. Under conditions of
load (coupling) the secondary coil looks like a series
resistance to the primary oscillator loop. If resonant
rise didn't occur a tesla coil couldn't operate, the 
principles of resonance apply if its a tesla coil or just
a L-C circuit driven by a generator. The source of voltage in the primary
circuit under condition of
oscillation is the capacitor AND the inductor, the inductors back EMF is
what charges the capacitor, the only reason we need the drive transformer
is to get things started and to keep them going due to the limited
Q of the circuit which is why the output rings down in
level. Actually, I make take a big flame for this, but
there is really no such thing as "parallel resonance" 
all resonant circuits are series in nature and operation
series and parallel only really pertain on how the drive
signal is applied to it. In order to be able to measure
this resonant rise with any degree of accuracy you'd have
to be very sure the measuring device offered VERY LITTLE
capacitive or resistive loading.

			Mark Graalman