Re: The Two Capacitor Problem.
>Here follows, for your entertainment, the rantings of a lunatic.
>As the dielectric constant of free space (vacuum):
>How can nothing (the vacuum) do something (store energy)?
>It can't.
>Therefore, since space has properties, it cannot be nothing.
>(it's an AETHER/or thing!)
>This begs the question: What the &*%-at- is space, anyway?!
I did my physics in the Department of Natural Philosophy at
Edinburgh University. Thats is old proper name and as soon
as we start saying what actually is space or time or anything
else we are very much in philosophy or even theology. What we do
in physics is to build mathematical models or other analogies.
eg a field is what you grow crops in - an electric field is....
Capacity is 2 pints for a quart jug, a capacitor is....
We are just saying this is like that. The models will
all work to some extent and all will break down at some point.
Is an electron a wave or a particle or a quantum packet?
The question of what is space - space seems to know where
everything is. How can a vacume remember?
That was first raised in the old discussion of whether something
can exist if no one is observing it. It was resolved
in following exchange.
The Question,
I find it exceedingly odd
As I stand 'neath the tree in the quad
to know if this tree
can continue to be
When there's no one around in the quad?
The reply,
Dear sir, I find your astonishment odd
For I am always around in the quad
And thats why the tree
Continues to be
since observed by, yours faithfully, God
Now I think I better return to discussing
leakage induction etc before Chip throws
me off the list.
Have fun,
Alan Sharp. (UK)