
Salt water caps, was earth resonance

-> Another question, Tesla used salt water/glass
-> capacitors which I've heard from several people have high
-> losses.  Well if he used them and obtained the results he
-> did then why is everyone moving to new age plastics.  I
-> think one of the reasons that many of his ideas and
-> inventions have not been replicated is that we have been
-> blinded by modern day technology and techniques.

Tesla did not use salt-water/glass capacitors because he was
pleased with the performance. He used them because they were
cheap and available. Do you honestly think that Tesla was not
"new age" in his era?

Do you honestly think that Tesla would not have used the highest
Q, lowest loss capacitor that he could afford?

No, the genius of the man was the fact that he was able to obtain
the results he got with the materials he had at hand.

Richard Quick