
Re: doorknob capacitor

 > So, as far as I know, the "million of 'em...." are no more.
 > High Voltage Press up north was selling the identical parts    
 > (even same lot numbers) for somewhat more money.  Bought some  
 > of those too, and had decent results with them as well.
 > Ed Phillips

> Maybe that's where those "million of 'em" went....I know George
> Trinkhaus (author of "Tesla Coil!" and "Tesla - the lost 
> inventions" ) who *is* High Voltage Press.  - Brent

I do believe that is what happened. Nick sold the lot to George 
a few months back. After the sale, George sent out a flyer
enclosed with the TCBA _NEWS_ advertising them at $15 a pop
(shipping included).

If anyone is interested they are still available at $15 each:

George Trinkaus, High Voltage Press, 4326 S.E. Woodstock, #489,
Portland OR  97206  USA   Tel: 503-775-3209

Richard Quick

... If all else fails... Throw another megavolt across it!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12