
Re: Illegal?

To put my mind at rest I performed a walk test with an AM radio tuned
to the resonant frequency on my TC.

I performed two tests.

Run your TC at low power to prevent spark breakout.   Tune a radio to the 
resonant frequence of the coil and listen to the racket.   You will have to
move away from the coil (20m) to get a fine tune.  If you are too close then
the radio picks up the signal regardless of tune.

Walk away from the coil, stop walking when you can no longer pick the signal
up.  For me this was only 100m.  This supprised me as I thought I was in for 
a long walk.

Run the coil and allow spark break out.   The sparks will produce a very wide
band signal.  This can easily be detected on FM, the TV etc.  Perform the walk
test again.   I had a shorter walk on this test, only getting to the bottom
of my garden.

Although the radio walk test does not give you and figures, it does tell you
how much of a distubance your coil is causing.   I do however have neigbours
living within the affected area, they are very forgiving, and do not complain 
as long as I don't run the coil during the cup final.   I generally keep runs 
short, only performing the longer runs late at night when they are asleep.

Julian Green.