
Re: Pipe scraps

Tesla List wrote:
> >From chip-at-poodle.pupman-dot-comSat Sep 21 12:24:49 1996
> Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 12:19:22 -0600 (MDT)
> From: Chip Atkinson <chip-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com>
> To: Tesla List <tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com>
> Subject: Pipe scraps
> >>>
> Re: "My family looks at me with awe as I make funny sounds when driving by
> new street construction sites.  They always have big piles of 20'
> lengths of PVC sewer pipe---anything from 6" through 24".  It always
> makes me think of that really big diameter coil form!!"
>         Me too!!!!!   Often, by the way, you will find scraps left
> lying around and those are surely fair game for scrounging!
> Ed Phillips
> <<<
> I've seen these but hesitated to scrounge them because of being afraid of
> the dreaded PVC RF dissipation.  Should I just not worry about the
> material and use them because of the great shape?
> Chip

	I actually have picked up four different pieces of scrap PVC sewer
pipe.  I believe it is apoor choice relative to an acrylic form, but the
latter will set you back at least $80.00 for a 8"x36"x1/8" section.  I
am planning on winding a PVC form after baking it out at work to remove
moisture and then using an over coat of "Behr Super Build 50".  I will
also be winding an acrylic form 12" in diameter this winter too, if it
ever is pitched in the trash at work (long story here that I'll skip). 
Hey, if it's free, I'll experiment with the PVC and learn something in
the process.
