
Arc info for Greg

  Greg the info on my coil is:

  Primary voltage 9000 volts  (Potenial transformer)
  Actual input from line 5 KW
  Primary capacitance .09 ufd (flat plate HDPE)
  Primary coil 6 turns 3/4" dia tubing flat spiral
  Primary/sec coupling .158

  Secondary coil 8 3/4" dia.
  Winding length 31"  approx 730 turns #18
  Inductance 26 Mh.
  Resonant frequency unloaded 256 Khz.
  Terminal 6X36" torus
  Frequency with terminal 140 Khz, in operation, 128 Khz.
  Spark Gap 8 point rotary 5000 rpm 700 bps

  Discharge length 7 1/2 to 8 feet outdoors.

                                Mark Graalman TCBA # 1399

___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12