Re: Rotary spark gap
I built my 12 point "hot rotor" gap with a 1" steel shaft pressed
and screwed to a 10.5" disk of al .750" thick. The points
were set at 30 degrees in a milling machine with an
indexing head. The electrodes and screws were balanced
to within 1 tenth of a gram. The wheel and shaft were
given a final shave between centers in a lathe. The lack
of vibration is better than I had hoped for considering
it has not been sent out for balancing. The shaft is mounted
in pillow blocks on an al plate and that is supported with
8 insulators rated at 14,400v each (4 stacks of 2). The
rotor is belt driven off a carter 1 hp 10,000 rpm variable
speed motor at 1 to 1 ratio.
One concern I have is the rotor "growing" due to heat from
the arcs and centrifugal force.
Hope to have some actual operating properties and a
photo or 2 for you soon.
Does anybody have an opinion in regards to using
a stainless steel spindle, with say 12 teeth, as the
rotating part of a rotary spark gap.
Big Red, HV Capacitors. Burn Baby Burn.
ITS Member
D. Gowin
And may I add, What about attachment of rotor to motor shaft? How is it done
well and without wobble? What type of motor, length of shaft? This is a
killer,or,I just hate to dive in to it yet. Steve