Re: 100 kva coil
Tesla List wrote:
> >From gcerny-at-megspo.megsinet-dot-netMon Sep 16 22:13:21 1996
> Date: Sun, 15 Sep 1996 23:38:00 +0000
> From: Glenn <gcerny-at-megspo.megsinet-dot-net>
> To: tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com
> Subject: 100 kva coil
> I stumbled across this url tonight:
> http://www.rosenelectric-dot-com/index.html
> http://www.rosenelectric-dot-com/page5.html
> They have a picture of a 100kva coil cranking out
> some 16 meter arcs and say they are building a
> 500 kva that will put out 50 meter arcs.
> They also supply oil filled and dry type transformers
> and other supplies.
> Neato....
No Sir they don't.
I called Rosen Electric a few weeks ago. The California
E.P.A. put them out of the pig business. This company was the
main supplier of pigs for coilers in the L.A. area. I was
directed to them by Brent Turner, reserched there web site, found
5 phone numbers and was promptly let down.
Big Red, HV Capacitors. Burn Baby Burn
ITS Member
D. Gowin