
Griffith Obs. coil


Those who take the TCBA news will have, no doubt, read the complete 
description of the coil which was in question a week or two ago on this 
list serve.

It is the Griffith Observatory coil system.  The coil was originally part 
of a half wave (dual coil) system. constructed in the 1920s by E.L. 
Ovington and used by him in Vaudeville shows.  Following its Vaudeville 
days, the coil was given to Dr. Frederick Finch Strong.  Finally, in 1936 
Strong gave the coil to the Observatory.  Ken Strickfaden (Frankenstien 
special effects artist) and Leon Hall, originally, set the coil up in the 
Griffith obsevatory.  The pair of coils gave an 8' spark!  Room was at a 
premium, and only one of the units was set up and it produced 4 feet of 
spark on regular display until the 1980s.  In the mid 1980s Dick Aurant, 
John Foster, Ed Angell and others worked to modernize and restore this 
aging system to a more modern operational status.  It is currently not 
working very well according to the article.  For many more interesting 
critical details on this system and its restorational history, consult 
the article.  All real coilers should be members of the TCBA anyway.  
Also, Chip's list serve (this one) got a nice plug in the August issue.

TCBA NEWS, 3 Amy Lane, Queensbury, NY 12804  $25/year.

Member #1223, Richard Hull, TCBOR