Re: Radial Horizontal Ground Rods (RHGRs :-)
From: Greg Leyh[SMTP:lod-at-pacbell-dot-net]
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 1997 7:42 PM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: Radial Horizontal Ground Rods (RHGRs :-)
Adam wrote:
> So, I have decided to try using three 8' 1/2" ground rods radiating out
> from my coil location, buried horizontally about 6" below the ground
> surface along with a decent amount of rock salt (NaCl, not the CaCl2
> kind) to help out. All connections are now 2" wide copper flashing
> strips (previously #4 DC cable). As soon as the weather is nice enough
> for me to move my coil outside, I will let you all know how this works.
> I am still open to suggestions on what other shallow-ground techniques
> might be worth while- maybe burying long and wide copper flashing strips?
The radially placed strip arrangement is what we plan to use for the
130kW coil. There will be 8 radials buried about 300mm deep that
extend outwards about 50 feet, made of 3mm x 50mm hot dip galvanized
mild steel. The strips will be embedded in an earth enhancing compound
that should keep the total Z to earth around 4 ohms.