Re: Tesla simulators
From: Malcolm Watts[SMTP:MALCOLM-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nz]
Sent: Monday, December 22, 1997 10:35 PM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: Tesla simulators
The other one which worked at low voltages......
> > 1) a switch with a time parameter for turn on/off
> > 2) a negative resistance
> > 3) something realy elaborate and near accurate, like a switch, with a
> > negative resistance, with a battery (for length/threshole) and probably some
> > function that relates current, to ON time, divided by gap length or cooling
> > rate.
> >
> > Please post or E-mail me an accurate model if and when you get one. After I
> > blow all my wimpy semi's, I'll need one.
> Your best bet is to model it as a pair of back to back zener diodes
> which gets you pretty close. I have actually done this and scoped the
> waveforms. You do indeed get a linear decrement with a range of
> currents but unlike the real gap, you can also make the decrement
> envelope go antilog if the currents are outside this range.
A pair of anti-parallel diodes. BTW, I can't remember whether it was
the voltage or current range which caused the hiccup noted above. The
most interesting thing was that the model of the gap closely follows
that of a voltage sink once gap current is significantly above 10 Amps
according to a graph in High Power Electronics.