
Re: Mayonaise jar fun

From: 	baumann-at-proton.llumc.edu[SMTP:baumann-at-proton.llumc.edu]
Reply To: 	baumann-at-proton.llumc.edu
Sent: 	Tuesday, December 23, 1997 3:13 AM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Re: Mayonaise jar fun

On 22 Dec, Tesla List wrote:
> From: 	David Huffman[SMTP:huffman-at-FNAL.GOV]
> Sent: 	Monday, December 22, 1997 12:08 PM
> To: 	Tesla List
> Subject: 	Mayonaise jar fun
> Last night I took a mayonnaise jar and pumped out the air. With the brass
> hose barb, used with the pump, touching the top of my small TC I was able to
> get plasma globe like streamers rising in the jar. The discharge was about
> 1/8" in diameter and extended from the bottom of the jar to the top where I
> was holding the jar about 6". Then I let some air into the jar and the
> display changed to a very thin spark with some forks beginning to form. This
> is quite interesting. Now I want to add some different gases and explore
> this more. My pump only gets down to 24" Hg, but that is enough to see some
> changes in the discharge.
> What other things can be done in this area?
> Dave Huffman
Get some of the nobel gases if you can, Most welding shops have what
you need. Look for Argon, or Helium. Nice thing about Helium is that 
it will form plasma at 1Atm. No vacuum needed.
[Check xenon, or krypton if you are really lucky :) ] 
Michael Baumann  Optivus Technology Inc.|Loma Linda University Medical Center
San Bernardino, California. (909)799-8308 |Internet: baumann-at-llumc.edu