
Any big coil designs (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 12:44:37 +0000
From: Phil_Bidwell-at-3mail.3com-dot-com
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Any big coil designs

About really big Tesla coils.

I know there are a few web pages for building small Tesla coils, but are
there any around
for building really big coil arrangements.

What I am trying to find is schematics and build instructions for a really
large coil and power supply.

Several have been described in this list, but without construction details
- for example.....

> >         Your post reminds me of some spectacular demonstrations
> >         conducted by the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.  The
> >         last of these which I recall occurred some 25 years ago.
> >         The Institute had a medium-sized theatrical coil, secondary
> >         about 3 x 5 ft.  It must have been tube-powered because it
> >         was dead silent save the (relatively quiet) discharges.
> >         This coil had a flat-plat as terminus.
I am sure someone from this list has built a device as described above. (
please send details ).
I would be happier with a design for 240Volt AC operation or a pulsed DC
system, but all designs
are welcome.

Also - are their any good books about building really big Tesla coils, I am
 looking for a copy
of the book " High Power Electronics " are their any other good books I
should keep a lookout for.

Does anyone compile all the usefull ideas from this list into periodic
files or bulletins, as this could be real
helpfull to beginers like myself, I do have a 25 year grounding in
Electronics, but I only have experience of
low voltage work.

Anyone in the UK also intersted in a project like this, please contact me,
perhaps we can share ideas.
