Well I have finally built some monster gaps, that has put the cherry
on the cake! My sparks are OUT TO MAX FOUR FEET and normaly push to three
feet! They like to look for grounds now and also I want to mention that I
have made several other changes so here is my coil now. (This is it's max
performance I think)
3" PVC Drain pipe total length is 27 inches, winding is 23 inches -at- 851 turns.
#22 magnet wire treated with many coats of varnish.
Terminal is a 15 inch toroid
ground on secondary form is a 1 inch X 1/2 inch copper plate soldered to the
last bottom turn.
RF ground is two 8 foot ground rods and a chain link fence:)
(QUESTION; Could that be my bad RFI problem?)
1/4 inch copper tube with 15 turns spaced 1/4 apart, 6 inch diameter at the
two series gaps on each leg going to the primary coil. they are made up of
eight 1 inch dia. X 6 inch long copper pipes mounted on a 1/2 inch chunk of
lexan spaced 1/16th inch. The other gap is four pieces of 1/4 copper tube
done the same as the previous gaps but are only 2 1/2 inches long.
salt water caps made from 9 ice tea bottles, the value at this time is
unknown as I have not checked since adding more caps.(BTW 7 bottles was .006uF)
12KV 120MA 120VAC powered with a variac and filtered with two 2200pF caps
and two 0.047uF caps, also a 12mH choke wired to filter out rf feeding back
into the AC line.
All wire used is soft flexible neon HV wire.
Oh, I also use a safety gap and it is spaced at 1 1/2 inch and fires only
once in a while, the gap also has no ground in the center.
Here is my problem, before I fixed the coil the LAST TIME (tonight) I was
not getting ANY RFI on my computer or TV or telephone but my neighbor above
me(I live in a double) pounded on my door telling me I was killing his
computer and TV. I showed him I was not getting any and I mean ANY RFI on
anything but he said I was killing his TV, how could this be possible?
Now as I have the coil kicking butt and doing better than ever I again am
back to square one with bad RFI trouble.( Now I have the visible white lines
on my TV) I only have left to build the best monster filters even put on a
tesla coil so could someone use my coil specs and tell me how to go about
building these serious monster RFI eatting filters?
Thanks in advance.
Kevin Nardelle
* T E S L A C O I L S *
Kevin Nardelle knardell-at-accesscom-dot-net
My main web page IS UP all TESLA
related with lotsa pictures and links.
Non related sites I have
The Louisiana Swamps Online (Under construction)