

Dear Chip

I have a question. I this the right place to deposit it? 

The question is: I got a H.F.Tester (Model T.1 22/250 V.Ac/Dc of 
Edwards Highh Vacuum Ttd., Crawley, Sussex). I think it is a very 
common tesla coil device. Is that right? 
Where can I find information on the device?

Jan Eijkel
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Department of Chemistry
Zeneca/SB Centre for Analytical Sciences
South Kensington, London SW7 2AY
United Kingdom

phone +44 171 594 5834
           +44 181 447 1218 (home)
fax      +44 171 594 5833
e-mail   j.eijkel-at-ic.ac.uk
internet www.ch.ic.ac.uk/manz/