
Re: 810 tubes

> Tero:
> 	Antique Electronic Supply
> 	6221 South Maple Avenue
> 	Tempe, Arizona  85283
> 	USA
> 	(602) 820-5411 (PHONE)
> 	(602) 820-4643  (FAX)
> Has 810's for US  $107.20 each, Soviet 811A's for $18.00, Soviet
> 833A's for $130.00.  Those prices seem pretty high to me, but they
> are below your threshold.  You can probably do better, but not sure
> where as I'm not in the market for any now.
> Ed Phillips

Ed and all, 

TNT (The New Tube Co., they are on the web, but I don't remeber their 
URL) offers Chinese 810's for 95$ each and Chinese 811A's for 19$ each. 
