Hamfest booty
Well the Richmond Frostfest came and went. This is the only fest I sell at
and I did pretty good this year. I spent a lot though as it turned out to
be a mecca for good stuff to buy as well!
I picked up a nice 100 mhz Tektronix 7000 series lab scope with 4 separate
channels in two plugins. The item has the large 7" diagonal P4 phosphor
screen with on-screen display and works like a dream. I paid $170.00
I snapped up a 60 mhz, 10 digit HP digital counter with three input
channels. It is a normal freq counter with additional period and time
inteval measurment capabilities. Really sweet item for a mere $40.00
I finally found myself a rare Keithley model 600 battery powered portable
electrometer. Takes 9 batteries! 2 D cells, 5 9v transitors batteries and
two big 30 volt #413 cells. It is portable! I can go into the field with
this baby. This one cost me dearly $70.00 (recent Keithley recal)
I snapped up a beautiful Keithley digital autoranging picoammeter in near
mint condition. Model #445 (normally $2900.00 item) Works flawlessly. I
paid only $30.00 for this puppy.
I also snagged lotsa little items.
I was stunned and amazed at having found H2 thyratron specific tube sockets!
I have looked all over for these puppies. Some old fart had a box of 6 mint
ceramic sockets by E.F. Johnson with silver plated contacts and lugs in our
uncle sam's original sealed boxes and only hit me for $2.00 each because he
said they "would not fit any known transmitting tubes" that he could
find!!! He warned me that they wouldn't work for radio tubes!!! The
Hydrogen thyratrons do have large 2.5" diameter odd bases and pin spacings,
but I now have a nice supply of specific sockets for Tesla spark gap
replacement experimentation into the next millenia!
I also grabbed a few odd HV caps, some tungsten rod stock, and the usual
test leads, etc. There is much more, but you get the gist. I would have
felt ashamed or guilty for virtually stealing all this stuff, but I was too
busy hauling the booty to the car. I will take a few moments now to feel
ashamed for my wholesale pillage and sacking of the Richmond fest of Tesla
related goodies. I will also pray for those poor coilers who haven't been
to their first fest yet and who are still paying list prices.
Happy festin' yall
Richard Hull, TCBOR