
Posting Policy, repost

Just thought I'd send this out again.  It's not directed at anyone in particular


                Tesla Coil Mailing List Posting Policy
		      Posting Guidelines

The goal of this mailing list is to provide information on the subject 
of Tesla Coils (TC's).   This information includes construction, 
operation, measurement, understanding,  and uses for the TC.  The 
Tesla Magnifier, or three coil system, is included as well. 

Articles dealing directly with aspects of construction, operation, 
measurement, and uses for the TC are also valid and will be posted.   
An example is a discussion of the best place to buy copper tubing for 
a primary.

Articles dealing with "fringe" topics will not be posted unless they 
are a direct result or observation of a reproducible experiment 
conducted by the author of the article.   The article must contain 
actual data or observations to substantiate the findings of the 
experiment.   Discussion of the observations, measurements, and 
underlying theories are acceptable provided that there is some sort of 
evidence to support the point being made.  For example, "I think you 
are experiencing the merkaba effect" is not valid because it gives no 
reason why and no definition of what a merkaba effect is.  On the 
other hand, "I believe that you are getting charged with static 
electricity, because your hair is standing on end in the photo" is 
valid because it cites visual evidence.

"Fringe" topics include, but are not limited to, scalar phenomena, 
zero point energy, anti-gravity, free energy, subspace, conspiracy 
theories, etc.

While not encouraged, non-coil postings on Nikola Tesla himself are 
acceptable provided that they, too, deal with facts rather than 
speculation.  Acceptable postings are patent information, photograpic 
evidence of something, etc.
Unacceptable postings are speculation about his extra-terrestrial 
origins, his involvement in strange unexplained phenomena such as the 
Tunguska explosion, etc.

In order to assist subscribers with the construction of TC's, sources 
of materials and information are welcome postings.  Subscribers with 
items to sell may advertise their availability.   However, please 
remember that this list does not exist to sell products or services 
and advertisements may be restricted.

The moderator reserves the right to occasionally bend these guidelines 
in the interest of the tesla list subscriber community.


Posting Guidelines for the Tesla Coil Mailing List.


-Keep messsages on topic (of course).  This includes, unfortunately, mention of your 
 other fascinating hobbies, unless relevant to the subject at hand.

-When replying to a specific message ALWAYS quote, but only quote the relevant        
 parts.  Messages that contain 3 pages of quotes from the last ten messages on the
 subject are unnecessary.

-Thank You's should be mailed to the person you are thanking.  No need for public 
 thanks unless you have something to add that can benefit the whole group.  

-One liners such as "Great message, I agree completely" do not benefit the group
 as a whole.  (Especially after three pages of quoting). If it must be said, send it  
 to the author, not the list.

-Replies to ads for items for sale go directly to the author. Not to be confused  
 with questions about products whose answers may enlighten the group.

-Following along with the last three, always ask yourself if your message will
 benefit anybody else in the group.  If not send it directly to the original author.
-Pictures need to have a good description written for each.  Date of picture, sytem  
 parameters, who built it, an e-mail address if possible.  This needs to be a nice  
 informative description that can be saved to file with minimal editing that can  
 accompany pictures to an FTP site or wherever they end up.  

-All types of tesla coils are welcome topics of discussion.  1/4 wave, magnifiers,
 bi-polar, tube, etc.) 

-When uuencoding files, please put the file name in the 8.3 format (DOS).  Not
 everyone is blessed with Linux, UNIX, or a Mac.

Policy is the set of rules I try to use when approving a posting.  
Guidelines are additional "rules" of etiquette that make everyone's life easier.

Keep in mind that even if everyone has a flat rate for net access, they don't have
a flat rate for personal time.

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