(No longer) quick rotary question..
This is called "flaming" or "follow around" and is usually a sign of over
coupling. It just says "uncouple me or get rid of this gap". One
solution is to separate the electrodes a bit more. A better one is to
include a tappable series gap in series with the rotary. You could lower
the input voltage or uncouple the coil. The cheesiest solution would be
to back the electrodes off in your rotary. The condition is a serious
sign of faulty operation of a system. Ideally, the rotary arcs sould be
small, snow white pin points of light that are stable and don't oscillate
about on the contacts.
Hope this helps a bit.
Richard Hull, TCBOR
By uncoupling the coil, you do mean raising it a bit to take it somewhat
out of the primary's field, correct? I also have a series gap that I can
fix up a little to make it suitable for the higher power use.
The over coupling probably explains why my coil's performance isn't as
good as the best it was with the neons and air blast gap.
I'll try these things as soon as I make sure that my power cabinet won't
go flambe.
Chip Atkinson
--- Tighten it 'till it strips and back off half a turn ---