Re: tesla coil for sale ?
>Subscriber: STOWT-at-perkinscoie-dot-com Wed Jan 8 22:49:02 1997
>Date: Wed, 08 Jan 97 11:33:00 PST
>From: "Stowe,Ted-SEA" <STOWT-at-perkinscoie-dot-com>
>To: "'tesla-at-pupman-dot-com'" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>Subject: tesla coil for sale ?
>Anyone have a working tube type tesla coil for sale ? that can be shipped
>Ted Stowe stowt-at-PerkinsCoie-dot-com
Sorry, no Tesla coil for sale, but sending my list in case you're
interested. The first paragraph refers to a kit I used to offer.
Regarding the "75KV Kit" I used to offer: it seems the characteristics of a
key part in the circuit have changed, and I can no longer get a 4-inch spark
from the circuit. The best it will do is a 3-inch spark (still not bad),
and each kit has to be individually tuned to get the 3-inch spark (all
things considered, still a very simple circuit). Because of all of this,
I've stopped offering the kit and instead I'm offering PLANS for the "3-inch
spark" supply (see below). HOWEVER, I do have ONE kit left and will sell it
for $50 for the "individual tuning" required (plus shipping). "First come,
first served"; let me know if you're interested.
Here's the current list...
ITEMS FOR SALE ! (or trade for "wanted" items on last page)
(Call or send long SASE for updated list)
$ 9.00 Plans for 3-inch spark (approx 65 KVAC) high voltage supply. Very
easy, 6-page documentation, not for the inexperienced! Adjustable output,
about 60Hz, can be rectified to DC. For Crookes, Geissler, X-ray, neon,
spectrum, Jacob's ladder, experiments, etc.. Local parts cost about $25-30.
$ 7.50 TV flyback transformer, AC (no rect.), large, unused, for high freq.
HV for Crookes, Geissler, neon, spectrum, plasma globe, voltage
multiplier, etc. W/ 2-page plans/diagram/experiments for simple,
adjustable (freq. & power) circuit (see rectifiers below)
$ 4.00 Same with slight fracture in core (shouldn't affect performance)
$ 1.50 Old TV flyback, DC (internal rectifier), used
$ 22.00 High voltage/high frequency AC supply kit: flyback, 11 other basic
components, 2-page plans/diagram/experiments. Output approx. 0-20 KVAC,
adjustable power & tuning. Can be rectified to DC (see rectifiers below).
(for Crookes, Geissler, neon, spectrum, plasma globe, voltage multiplier, etc)
$ 1.50 2-page plans/diagram/experiments for above kit (no parts included).
$ 1.00 1KV rectifier, 1A for multiplier or ?? (8/1.00) (1N4007)
$ 2.00 .001uF, 10KVDC disc cap (ea.) (2 avail.)
$ 2.00 .002uF, 10KVDC disc cap (ea.) (2 avail.)
$ 8.00 HV inverter transformer, Allegro Electronics COR-2, with circuit
diag & parts
$ 2.00 HV inverter transformer, Allegro Electronics COR-3, with circuit
$ 4.00 HV inverter transformer, Allegro Electronics COR-5, with circuit
$ 5.00 HV inverter transformer, Allegro Electronics COR-6, with circuit
$ 5.50 Pair of ceramic insulators, hollow, 2.8" tall, 1.8" sq. base (pr.)
$ 1.00 SCR: 12A, 600V (2N3668) (new)
$ 1.60 2N3055 transistor, for HV oscillator circuits (or other use). (new)
$ 5.00 HV capacitor, "WV 1900 VAC, TV 10,000 VDC", 0.97uF, "no PCBs"
$ 60.00 Old "quack medical" shocker, call for more info
$ 2.00 Documentation for Radio Shack IlumaStorm, IlumaStorm Jr., &
Lightning Fury (various schematics, parts lists, etc.) (photocopies) (ea model)
$ 14.00 IlumaStorm "repair kit": power transformer (not flyback), 555 IC,
TIP122 transistor (all new parts)
$ 64.00 Radio Shack Lightning Fury plasma *DOME* (not the common plasma
sphere), plus schematic & parts list, new. White thick snake-like or many
thin thread-like discharges (Xenon fill?). Use w/high frequency HV
flyback supply (or similar)
$ 2.00 Fluorescein, to make approx. 3 oz. of liquid for Geissler tube
$ 1.00 Fluorescein, to make approx. 1 oz. of liquid for Geissler tube
Display stands for Geissler/Crookes/discharge tubes, solid oak or mahogany
(not old) CALL FOR INFO
$ 17.50 Oxygen spectrum tube, 8 inches long, blue discharge, use with
induction coil or other HV supply (small coil like Model T coil is more
than enough)
"Plasma bulb" (light bulb shape, 5"D x 9"L, 4" stem) 1.25 liter glass bulb,
no electrodes, excite externally with flyback supply (such as listed
above), Tesla coil, old "Violet Ray", or possibly other HV supply. W/
suggestions for using. Could also use as source of gas for making your own
plasma display. Discharge descriptions below are using flyback supply
listed above.
$ 23.00 Argon: blue/white glow and/or thick streamers,
slower to start
$ 23.00 Argon/Neon: many blue/white thread-like, slower to start
$ 23.00 Neon/Argon: many blue/white thread-like with orange/red tips
$ 23.00 Helium: violet/pink glow & thick blue/white streamers, most
$ 23.00 Neon: orange/red glow at surface & thick pale blue streamers,
easiest to start
"Plasma tube" (torpedo shape, 4.5"D x 13"L, 4" stem) 2.65 liter glass flask,
like plasma bulb above except larger & different shape.
$ 36.50 Argon
$ 36.50 Neon/Argon
$ 36.50 Neon
X-ray luminescent screen, plastic, rare earth phosphor, glows blue:
1"x1" $1.00 6"x6" $15.00
2"x2" $2.50 7"x7" $19.00
3"x3" $5.50 8"x8" $26.00
5"x5" $10.50 10"x10" $43.00
$ 5.00 Base/stand for Argos Scientific X-ray tube, simple plain pine routed
base (7x10) with 3 supports for horizontal tube positioning, & rubber feet.
$ 80.00 Micro Geiger tube, end-window type, alpha/beta/gamma, 1.5L x .35D,
unused, LND model 704, sells for $122, 450-650 VDC, w/ copy of mauf. specs,
could be made into VERY SMALL radiation detector. Could use HV inverter
circuits above & micro piezo speakers below.
$ 80.00 Micro Geiger tube, end-window type, alpha/beta/gamma, 1.0L x 1.0D,
unused, LND model 7242, sells for $120, 450-650 VDC, w/ copy of mauf.
specs, could be made into VERY SMALL radiation detector. Could use HV
inverter circuits above & micro piezo speakers below.
$ 7.00 Micro power supply for either of above Geiger tubes.
$ 2.00 (6) miniature microphones, rectangular, smallest is about 0.25" sq.,
were intended for bugs, hearing aids, etc.(not electret type) (for all!)
$ 1.50 Electrolytic caps: 18,000 uF/25VDC, 14,000uF/40VDC, 33,000uF/60VDC (ea.)
$ 2.00 Motor-starting cap, 3uF/660VAC
$ 1.50 Nice stepper motor, new, with feedback wires, (doesn't have to be
used as stepper) approx. 5-12VDC
$ 1.00 Alarm: piezo speaker & driver in small box, approx 6-12 VDC, loud!
$ 1.50 Sonalert-style tone generators, 3/4-inch cylinder, 3-12 VDC, 3 for 1.50
$ 1.00 Micro piezo speakers, 3/8-inch cylinder, 2 for 1.00
$ 7.00 Solar panel, 6V-at-80ma or 12V-at- 40ma, plastic case, excel. cond.
$ 0.75 Earphone, high impedance crystal type (I used as speaker for mini
radiation detector)(can be used as mic)(new)
$ 4.50 Air blower, 425 SCFM, 120VAC, 1.3A, speed slightly adjustable, dual
"squirrel cage" enclosure 8.5x9.5x17.5"
$ 5.00 Pr. of Fisher speakers, "hole" size 3.5", enclosure about 4x6x7".
$ 5.00 Transformer, 110 VAC input, outputs 15V, 35V, 350V, large, about 10 lbs.
$ 10.00 "VARIAC", 120VAC in, 0-140VAC out, 3 amps, Powerstat by Superior
$10.00 Galvanometer, old classroom model, metal case w/glass front & back,
leveling feet, about 9" tall, needs minor re-assembly
$ 2.00 Graduated cylinder, 50ml, with plastic "drip ring" near top
$ 2.00 Synthetic diamond crystals (5), near-microscopic size ($2 for all 5)
$ 5.00 Interference filter, 4050 A.U. (deep violet), .75"x.75" (many items
which fluoresce under UV long wave will fluoresce under this)
$ 8.50 Old instrument stand, cast iron tripod base (painted black),
lacquered brass vertical body tube, 0.5" inside diameter, with thumbscrew,
about 5" tall, 5" base width.
$ 22.00 "Pocket Guide to Science", 1928, by Popular Science Publishing,
leather cover, 284 pgs., about 5 x 3.5 inches, good cond.
$ 3.00 Silicon wafer, metallic gray appearance, 2-inch diameter, fragile
$ 3.50 Unusual high tech .177 airgun pellets, 5 of each (20 total):
Promethius (plastic body w/zinc alloy core, metal-piercing), Titan (plastic
body w/lead alloy core, high penetration), Lamprey (soft lead hollow
point, high expansion), Sabo (plastic jacket, solid lead body, high
penetration, high ballistic coefficient)
$ 3.50 Ballistic putty, about 1 lb., high density reusable material for
projectile penetration/expansion tests or airgun target backstop
$ 5.00 Airgun ballistics computer program, calculates & graphs energy,
trajectory, velocity. DOS program, IBM format, 3.5" disk
$ 4.00 Airgun pellet report, compares pellet performance & modifications
for penetration, expansion, plus exploding pellets
$ 6.00 Instrument/Equipment carrying case, wood w/black leatherette cover,
metal corner guards, handle on top, 3 latches on sides, sturdy & nice
looking, approx. 13"x9.5"x8.5".
$ 1.00 3-ring binder, clean, no writing, 1 to 2-inch capacity
$ Sony 9-band portable radio, AM/FM/SW/AIR/etc., controls: vol, BFO,
others, AC/battery
$ 8 Intel Ethernet board, 10 mbps
$5 MAC "Critical Path" interactive CD ROM game, never opened
1. $ 650 Portable gem testing kit: refractometer, spectroscope,
polariscope, dichroscope, UV, much more
2. $ 20 White opal 7x10 cab
3. $ 40 Gray star sapphire, 6.2 cts, fair-poor
4. $ 4 Concentrated R.I. liquid for refractometer, equiv. to about 2
6. $ 3 GIA plastic cover for diamond color grader or similar size
7. $ 25 Diamond color grading tray (pivots on metal base)(as used w/GIA
8. $ 5 GIA classroom stone box (round, plastic, 10 spaces, rotating
1. $ 4 GEMS MADE BY MAN by Nassau (binding damaged)
5. $ 17 jade master stone color chart (Jade N Gem), framed, non-glare
Crookes, Geissler, X-ray tubes
Induction coils, static & high frequency machines (Tesla, Wimshurst, etc.)
Tedd Payne Evenings (219) 464-4791