
Re: Top Toroid

At 10:25 PM 1/26/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Subscriber: jd231825-at-engr.colostate.edu Sun Jan 26 21:48:21 1997
>Date: Sun, 26 Jan 1997 13:18:27 -0700
>From: Jeff Detweiler <jd231825-at-engr.colostate.edu>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Top Toroid
>Dear all,
>I am in the process of building my secondary coil, and I'm at the point
>where I need to make a toroid for the top. Although I remember seeing
>something about this on the list some time ago, would somebody please tell
>me how I should determine the proper dimensions for my toroid, and would
>the experienced coilers please share some of their clever ideas of how they
>made their toroids?
>As an aside, would somebody please remind me why a toroid is more ideal
>than a sphere and such? (Was it that the self-capacitance is larger or is
>there a better voltage gradient or something?)

It acts as electrostatic shielding for the top turns of the resonator and
electrically shades the secondary and primary system better than a sphere.
R. Hull, TCBOR

>I understand that in general, the larger the toroid, the more energy is
>needed to build up in the secondary before corona discharge happens. So am
>I shooting for the largest possible toroid where I still get a discharge?

Absolutely!!!  It is the key to maximum spark output per unit input energy.
R. Hull, TCBOR

>Also, what effect does mounting the toroid closer or further away from the
>secondary have? (I've not seen anything definitive on this yet).

Closer to the resonator shields it better and can even boost the open
circuit Q a bit, but most often reduces the Q.  As you go up its shading and
electrostatic shielding value decreases and the Q will drop to a certain
point and then change no more as the toroid's isotropic capacity develops to
its maximum away from the resonator.  I have found Q to be higher with a
toroid jammed on the first turn and drop as it is elevated a few inches to a
foot and then level off and finally plumet with 3 foot distances or more
with long connections added. R. Hull, TCBOR

>Thanks for any and all help. Maybe Fr. Tom MacGahee can include this info
>in his Idiot's Guide once everyone submits their ideas. :-)
>Jeff Detweiler