
Re: magnifiers

Tesla List wrote:
> Subscriber: Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com Fri Jan  3 21:53:43 1997
> Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 13:48:32 -0500
> From: Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Re: magnifiers
> In a message dated 97-01-03 01:43:03 EST, you write:
> << Ed:
>         Thanks for the input! I am already experiencing this condition with a
>  12kv. 30ma. neon! I've only tried raising the sec. about an inch or so,
>  will play with more spacing. If convienient, you might look at a few
>  more specs on my coil as stated in another message I have addressed to
>  Bert and posted the same time as this message. Any comments you may have
>  (several, I bet!) are greatly appreciated. Also, how does one determine
>  crital coupling experimentally, or mathematically with our type of
>  setups?
>  Thanks again,
>  Mike >>
> Mike,

Critical coupling cannot be calculated unless you know the exact quench 
time of your gap system.  Very few of us ever know this figure when 
using air gaps. In general, it is a trial and error sort of thing done on 
the fly.  You can continue to couple up tighter and tighter as you note 
the spark output and especially the secondary coil.  If sparks start 
racing up and down the secondary, you are over coupled or have exceeded 
"critical coupling" for your gap system. 

Richard Hull, TCBOR