Re: low voltage
Tesla List wrote:
> Subscriber: gweaver-at-earthlink-dot-net Fri Jan 3 21:49:03 1997
> Date: Fri, 03 Jan 1997 19:46:02 -0800
> From: Gary Weaver <gweaver-at-earthlink-dot-net>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: low voltage
> What is the lowest recomended voltage for the TC power supply transformer? I
> have 2 transformer that are 2500 volts at 150 ma with a center tap. 120 vac
> on the primary. Is 2500 volt too low?
> Gary Weaver
Gary -
Probably a bit low for a spark-gap coil. Would work dandy on a
tube-powered coil. You stated (I think) that you have two of these
transformers. If so, try connecting the secondaries in series, but
keep the center-taps isolated. (Don't connect the grounds together.)
This will give you 5000 volts, which can work on a spark-gap coil.
Best bet is to use a multi-element series spark gap and set the
individual gap distances to maybe .010" or so.
Be sure to put chokes and such on the high-voltage leads to
protect the transformer windings.
- Brent